Wild Bill’s Cigar of the Week
It’s Monday and that means a new Cigar of the Week! Every Week Wild Bill’s recommends a cigar and features it as the Cigar of the Week. These recommendations are perfect if you are looking for a new cigar to try. The Wild Bill’s cigar experts carefully go through a selection process to come up with great smokes. This week features Ashton’s finest cigars the Ashton Virgin Sun Grown cigar!
Ashton Virgin Sun Grown Robusto
The Ashton VSG cigar is one of the highest rated cigars to be featured. It’s 92 rating from cigar aficionado speaks for itself. As one of Ashton’s best cigars, these cigars are made with aficionados in mind. The tobacco goes through an aging process of four to five that gives it the astounding flavors cigar lovers adore.
A private estate in Ecuador provides the sun grown wrappers. Combined that with the aged Dominican tobacco and you’ll get a whirlwind of flavor with each smoke. This is a cigar that embodies flavor from start to finish. Your palate will experience a cedar and espresso flavor with a hint of dark chocolate.
Whether you’ve been smoking cigars for years or are new to them, the Ashton VSG is one you will want to try. The outstanding craftsmanship and tasteful blend have made this a favorite among aficionados Ashton Virgin Sun Grown Robusto
Wild Bill’s Cigar Selection
Wild Bill’s has a large selection of cigars of all different types. That’s why each week we will highlight a new cigar of the week. A cigar that we recommend giving a try. You can find some of your favorite cigars by trying new ones out.
The cigar of the week will feature the country of origin, flavor profile, ring gauge, notes, and Cigar Aficionado cigar rating. Keep a look out each week for a new cigar. If you would like to suggest a cigar of the week, feel free to leave a comment below. You can also follow us on our social media profiles below.
You can also check out the past Cigars of the Week here. Feel free to leave a comment and let us know what you think in the section below.